
GripFactory is an international specialist in the field of innovative anti-slip solutions for every surface. We deliver our GRIP solutions to wholesale, retail, industry, facility managers and end users worldwide. In addition, we offer several turn-key solutions in the field of anti-slip. The products we offer are developed or improved by us. We can therefore advise you better than anyone else on the best solution for your slipperiness problem. On any surface. GripFactory works with various production locations that make our wide range exclusive for us. This allows us to offer the most competitive rates and specific adjustments to the product for your specific application are also no problem.

GripFactory Services

  • Development of anti-slip solutions: GripFactory develops innovative anti-slip solutions for all possible surfaces. In addition, our development department ensures that our existing anti-slip solutions are continually being developed.

  • Sales of anti-slip solutions: GripFactory sells innovative anti-slip solutions worldwide to wholesalers, retailers, facility managers and end users.

  • Floor measurements on location: GripFactory has certified equipment to perform skid resistance measurements on all sorts of surfaces. Based on a floor measurement on location, our consultants can measure whether your floors meet the legal standards. If your floor does not meet these standards, you will receive an appropriate proposal to significantly reduce the likelihood of slipping.
  • Application of anti-slip solutions: GripFactory has a certified team of applicators that apply our anti-slip solutions globally for our customers.